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5 simple things you can do to make today more productive

Hey all,

It's c again. Okay so this post is all about how to make begin productive easier (I can hear A sniggering in the background), yes it may sound boring but give it a try and i bet you will see an improvement.

1. Make your bed every morning (I know, it sounds boring and pointless but making your bed helps you get ready to do things)

2. Turn off distractions when you are working (Instagram, pinterest, facebook and other internet sites are like the one way to ensure you will not do anything productive.

3. Take 10 minute breaks every hour. (But try not to go on social media, this just makes me want to take a longer break- you could do some excersise, revolutionary idea, or draw/paint)

4. Set goals and organise a schedule (while A disagrees I believe that I schedule will make it easier to see what you still have to do and what you have achieved)

5. Focus on one thing at a time (multitasking can be good sometimes but sometimes it is counter-productive.

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