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Organisation tips that will save your life during assessment time

Hi there, this is C. This is posting day (Monday) and I thought- seeing as we are about to go back to school I would share with you some of the best ways to stay on top of homework and assessment.

Last year was my first year of high school and I know that at this time of last year I was really worried about the workload that was going to be put on me. People kept saying things like ‘you will have 5 assignments at once.’ ‘Everything is 5 times harder.’ But from my experience everything is not necessarily 5 times harder provided that you are organised and know what is coming up. Here are 5 ways to make your schooling life easier (because 5 seems to be my magic number in this post)

  1. Have an assessment planner. Assessment planners are really useful tools and are super easy to make. Simply create a table in word and label it weeks 1-10 and Mon-Fri. I have mine printed and stuck on the inside of my locker and above my desk at home. Whenever I have a new piece of assessment handed out or due I add it to my planner. I also colour code the different subjects matching with the colours on my timetable so it is easier to tell the subjects apart. If you get unit outlines at the beginning of the semester I recommend filling out the planner then so you have a clear understanding of what you have due and when.

  2. Have a school dairy. My school gives out diaries at the start of each year. This is where I record any homework or special events. At the beginning of each semester I also go through and add all my assessment to my diary. If your school does not provide diaries. I recommend getting one and having it with you at all times.

  3. Begin revising for tests before the night before. Using an assessment planner it is easy to see when you have a test coming up. I generally begin revising at least one week before the test.

  4. When you have more than one piece of assessment at the same time and are unsure where you should put most of your effort it is a good idea to look at the total percentage of your grade each task is worth. If on is worth 10% and the other 90% it would make sense to focus most of your efforts on the 90% task but be mindful that you put a good effort into both to ensure the best results possible

  5. When you have more than one assignment or assignments and homework or even just lots of homework it is a good idea to break your afternoon/weekend into sections and stick to your time slots for each subject- again use your percentage to dedicate time. Alternatively you could set goals for each task and completed one goal for task A before moving on to any other tasks. This is a great way to ensure that you get all you tasks done.

You may also like to take a look at some of the websites A has listed in her post. Many of these are invaluable resources for busy school time. Another great website is instagrok. This is a search engine similar to google but brings up more relevant information for students and only shows credible sources.

Well. I hope these resources help you as much as they helped me last year and will continue to do for the rest of my schooling years. Have you got any tips or tricks to help you through the busy school year? If so leave a comment or contact us on our contact page. We would love to know how you get through.

Have a great rest of the holidays and fantastic start to the year. Until next week…


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